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"INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC ALLIANCE is an instrument by world leaders and for world leaders; to bridge the gap between governments, industry and civil society for Peace, Climate Justice & Renewable Energy, with mutual accountability."
Dr. Dominic F Dixon, Director-General/Executive Director

Kindly note, that this website is under construction as world leaders ideate new constructs. You may visit the instrument website,


World leaders have trusted the advice and friendship of Dr. Dixon's vision for peace, strategy, climate action and governance. In this gallery are some of his most recent encounters. Please click on pictures for description.



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The previous 17 Presidencies of the G20 delivered significant results - for ensuring macro-economic stability, rationalising international taxation, relieving debt-burden on countries, among many other outcomes. We will benefit from these achievements, and build further upon them.

Governing Council on climate change constituted in Tamil Nadu

The secretary of Environment, Climate Change and Forests department will be the convenor of the Governing Council.


Tamil Nadu is set to become the first state to launch its own Climate Change Mission. It had launched the Green Tamil Nadu Mission last September and the Tamil Nadu Wetlands Mission this August. A Special Purpose Vehicle–the Tamil Nadu Green Climate Company (TNGCC)–will implement the State Climate Action Plan.


As per a government release, the Governing Council is headed by the Chief Minister. Members of the Council are Montek Singh Ahluwalia (Economist), Nandan M Nilekani (Co-founder and Chairman of Infosys Board), Erik Solheim (6th Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, Former Under Secretary General), Ramesh Ramachandran (Founder Director of National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management), G Sundarrajan (Co-ordinator, Poovulagin Nanbargal) and Nirmala Raja (Chairperson, RAMCO Community Services).

The Chief Secretary has been appointed as the Vice Chairman, Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission and senior secretaries of the Department of Industries, Municipal Administration, Finance, Energy, Rural Development, Housing, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries and Agriculture and Farmers Welfare are also members of the Governing Council. The secretary of Environment, Climate Change and Forests department will be the convenor of the Governing Council.

Human Fraternity in the UAE

Building a culture of Peace and Living Together​


During his historic visit to the UAE (3-5 February 2019), the Holy Father Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb signed the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together on 04 February 2019 at the Founder's Memorial.

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Dr. Dominic F Dixon, Director General of IDA, with Bishop Paul Hinder at the Vicariate in Abu Dhabi

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"We take great pride in organising this festival celebrating the Abu Dhabi Document on Human Fraternity, which embodies the astute wisdom and leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces." - Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan - Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence 


After years of resistance from rich governments, nations for the first time agreed to set up a fund to provide payouts to developing countries that suffer "loss and damage" from climate-driven storms, floods, droughts and wildfires.

“This outcome moves us forward,” said Simon Stiell, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary. “We have determined a way forward on a decades-long conversation on funding for loss and damage – deliberating over how we address the impacts on communities whose lives and livelihoods have been ruined by the very worst impacts of climate change.”

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"This COP has taken an important step towards justice. I welcome the decision to establish a loss and damage fund and to operationalize it in the coming period. Clearly this will not be enough, but it is a much-needed political signal to rebuild broken trust. The voices of those on the frontlines of the climate crisis must be heard…Together, let’s not relent in the fight for climate justice and climate ambition." — ANTÓNIO GUTERRES

Secretary-General António Guterres speaks to the press in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, host of the UN Climate Conference COP27. © UNFCCC/Kiara Worth

IDA - COP27 Delegation

Delegation for COP27 was headed by IDA's Director-General, Dr. Dominic F Dixon

Met the most amount of female leaders, are who gave me an amazing perspective what it is to be a strong, independent and successful woman. Met Arabic women leaders who have made it bing in the Arab world. They are not only clothed with dignity, but also clothed with character and integrity. I really wished that cop27 had more female representatives.

As advisory to world leaders and focal points, the programmes were filled with negotiations. UNADAP’s delegation of advisors from seven nations were on the front lines of advisory and negotiations.

S Jaishankar I India's External Affairs Minister On India's Foreign Policy Amid Ukraine Russia War

India's External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar speaks at the #CNNNews18TownHall about how the governance paradigm has changed with respect to our foreign policies and relationships in last 8 years of the Modi Government.

Dominic, Dominic Dixon Bangalore, Dominic Dixon United Nations, Dominic Dixon Canada, Dominc Dixon India

International Diplomatic Alliance officials are experts in Scientific Research in the areas of, CLEAN WATER & SANITATION, AFFORDABLE & CLEAN ENERGY, SUSTAINABLE CITIES & COMMUNITIES.

UNADAP is seeking towards addressing the SDG’s of, AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY & CLIMATE ACTION through this Plant to Fuel project. This project aims at investigating an alternative clean, cost-effective and sustainable energy source, alternative to fossil fuels. <<<READ MORE>>>

SDG 7: Affordable And Clean Energy


The ISA was conceived as a joint effort by India and France to mobilize efforts against climate change through deployment of solar energy solutions. It was conceptualized on the sidelines of the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015. With the amendment of its Framework Agreement in 2020, all member states of the United Nations are now eligible to join the ISA. At present, 110 countries are signatories to the ISA Framework Agreement, of which 90 countries have submitted the necessary instruments of ratification to become full members of the ISA.

The ISA is guided by its ‘Towards 1000’ strategy which aims to mobilise USD 1,000 billion of investments in solar energy solutions by 2030, while delivering energy access to 1,000 million people using clean energy solutions and resulting in installation of 1,000 GW of solar energy capacity. This would help mitigate global solar emissions to the tune of 1,000 million tonnes of CO2 every year. For meeting these goals, the ISA takes a programmatic approach. Currently, the ISA has 9 comprehensive programmes, each focusing on a distinct application that could help scale deployment of solar energy solutions. Activities under the programmes focuses on 4 priority areas – Analytics & Advocacy, Capacity Building, Programmatic Support, and readiness and enabling activities, that help create a favourable environment for solar energy investments to take root in the country.

   5th Assembly of International Solar Alliance, New Delhi.   

5th Assembly of International Solar Alliance, New Delhi.

IDA's Director-General was invited by the Hon’ble President of the ISA, Shri Raj Kumar Singh, Minister for New & Renewal Enegry, GoI & the Hon’ble Director General, Dr. Ajay Mathur. 

The ISA is guided by its ‘Towards 1000’ strategy which aims to mobilise USD 1,000 billion of investments in solar energy solutions by 2030.

ISA is a Treaty based Inter-governmental organisation, with 120 nations as treaty members.

Under ISA's Program on Scaling Solar for Agricultural Use, #ISA aggregated demand of 2,72,579 #SolarWaterPumps from 22 countries. The #ISA is currently working with United Nations Development Programme - UNDP, International Water Management Institute (IWMI) @GGI & Asian Development Bank under different projects to implement #SolarWaterPumps in member countries.

The launch of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) was announced by H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and H.E. Mr. Francois Hollande, former Hon’ble President of France on 30th November 2015, at the 21st session of United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP-21) in Paris, France. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon attended the launch. The ISA is guided by its ‘Towards 1000’ strategy which aims to mobilise USD 1,000 billion of investments in solar energy solutions by 2030, while delivering energy access to 1,000 million people using clean energy solutions and resulting in installation of 1,000 GW of solar energy capacity. This would help mitigate global solar emissions to the tune of 1,000 million tonnes of CO2 every year.


Nikki Haley at UN General Assembly on America embassy in Jerusalem

Ambassador Nikki Haley tells UN General Assembly: "America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that."

UN commissioner for Human Rights, Miloon Kothari denounced for antisemitic remarks

UN HQ, New York

UN commissioner for Human Rights, Miloon Kothari denounced for antisemitic remarks

Psalms 121:4 “Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”


The Executive Director of UNADAP, Dr. Dominic F Dixon, at the UN Headquarters in New York, vehemently and categorically condemned the statements made by Mr. Miloon Kothari, member of the UNHRC commission of inquiry against Israel, and comments that were then defended by his fellow commissioners, Navi Pillay and Chris Sidoti. 

Over fifteen counties, including Canada had condemned the statements made by Mr. Kothari.

When UN commissioner Miloon Kothari ranted about the ”the Jewish lobby,” he was called out for antisemitism by Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, US.
Special envoy of the United States Deborah Lipstadt, and Canada’s Special Envoy, Professor Irwin Cotler, have condemned Kothari for antisemitism.

Read full article below>>>

President of the UN Human Rights Council, Federico Villegas also condemned the statements made by Kothari.

The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres issued the following statement: “The Secretary-General has always been extremely clear in saying that there is no room for antisemitism in the work of the UN. Second, Israel is unquestionably a Member State of the United Nations.”

Listen to the Podcast interview of Kothari, here:

According to UN Watch Executive Director, Hillel Neuer, “This commission is perhaps one of the most anti-Israel bodies ever created in the history of the United Nations. It has 18 full-time staff who are tasked with collecting evidence to be used in legal tribunals to prosecute Israelis. There is no question that their goal is to declare Israel an apartheid state. That’s why they chose Navi Pillay as the chair. She’s from South Africa. Two years ago she signed a petition to governments lobbying them to “Sanction Apartheid Israel!””

Dixon has called for the sacking of Mr. Kothari and banning him from ever having a platform at the United Nations. In the past, at the UN Office at Geneva, Dixon had condemned the statements made against India by the UNHRC Commissioner, Michelle Bachelet, who had attempted to undermine the sovereignty of India and interfered with internal matters. Dixon further stated, “There is a lobby and an agenda by the office of the UNHRC, to undermine democracies at the behest of anti-Semitic states with deep pockets. The UN has become a lobbyist organization and one of the most status quo and redundant organizations and the costliest to run. The UN has not been able to stop wars as its mandate, but it creates international tensions, and then tries to solve it. Special Consultative Status & Observer organisations as UNADAP, MORE, UN Watch, etc. have been the conscience of the UN, but it’s a lofty pursuit.”

UNADAP is grateful to the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken and the U.S. diplomatic department for the extended support, as Dixon registered his protest at the Halls of the UN Security Council, UN General Assembly & and th UN Economic & Social Council.

India and Israel Relations:
Israel and India established full diplomatic relations on January 29, 1992. However, even before that, Israel had a Consulate in Mumbai, operating since 1953. Following the establishment of diplomatic relations an Embassy opened in New Delhi, and the Consulate in Mumbai became Consulate-General. In addition, an Honorary Consulate operates in Kolkata. 

During the years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, much progress has been made on the bilateral level. India is increasingly becoming central to Israel’s policy, politically, commercially, in science and culture. Israel is appreciative of the fact that Jews in India were never persecuted.

Read more:

#UnitedNations #UNHumanRights #antisematic #Israel #india

IDA OFFICIAL: Dr. Dixon's speech at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, presided by, H.E. Mr. Federico Villegas, President of the Human Rights Council; Ms. Nada Al-Nashif, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights and others.

Conference: Intersessional panel discussion on the challenges and good practices in the prevention of corruption, and the impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sitting right beside Dr. Dixon, on the other side of the isle was the Pakistani Ambassador to the UN, Mr. Khalil-ur-Rahman HASHMI, who walked out before Dr. Dixon's speech.

“Righteousness exalts a nation.” Proverbs 14:34

Jai Hind!

<<<Read full transcript with citations>>>


The Abraham Accords are a series of treaties normalizing diplomatic relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, facilitated by the U.S. Administration[1] between August and December, 2020. In the span of five short months, these four Arab states joined Egypt and Jordan in making peace with Israel. The agreements were called “The Abraham Accords” in honor of Abraham - the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


Terminate the U.N.'s Anti-Israel Commission of Inquiry

The U.N.’s new Commission of Inquiry against Israel, initiated by Pakistan and the PLO, is a travesty of justice. Despite U.N. rules requiring impartiality, each of three commissioners has a record of extreme anti-Israel positions. One of them was even condemned worldwide for making antisemitic remarks. It’s time to end the U.N.’s perpetual inquisition against the Jewish state.





Her Excellency Dr. Dena Assaf the UN chief (Resident coordinator) of the United Nations in the United Arab Emirates, graciously welcomed Dr. Dominic F Dixon, the Director-General of IDA in Dubai. Lengthy discussions were held on world peace and diplomatic dialogue, and geopolitical reconciliation; with the intention of ZERO HUNGER.


IDA has developed an organized, ‘each-one-reach one’, and ‘one-community-to another’ outreach modality for food distribution for anyone in need. As shown in the picture, at the DUBAI chapter, we use biodegradable packaging, with zero plastic usage to package the produce. All produce and essentials are within the national nutritional standards. This project is led by our regional coordinators, Nifty Fernandes Vilma Sanctis Phillips & Renfert Philips, Marchita Fernandes. <<<READ MORE AT SDG2>>>


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